Child malnutrition: Help ours childrem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Susana Raffali: We reach a point where the strategy to eat is prostitution
The nutritionist and adviser to the Caritas organization, Susana Raffali, lamented this Friday that many mothers have to prostitute themselves to be able to feed their children. He also said that child malnutrition is a serious problem that affects the Venezuelan population.
She stressed, in an interview with TV Venezuela, that the malnutrition seen on the streets "delegitimizes the power of any administration in the country. Staying in power at the cost of keeping the nation hungry is something we need to stop. We do not believe that there is any political project of a country that merits these levels of suffering, "she said.
She noted that, according to Cáritas, "severe acute malnutrition is at 12.7% again, but the total deficit is in more than 60% of children under five years ..., when the public health emergency threshold announced by the WHO is fifteen %". She also explained that the figure is handled in the parishes that they visit.
The specialist said that many mothers have resorted to prostitution to feed their children. "I insist, we are getting very deep inside, not only the imminent risk of not dying, but of your life ending for this, even if you do not die. That a mother and a child runs out of life because of that feeling of emptiness that leaves you no one to solve, that leaves you nobody cares that you have hunger, that lets you prostitute, "she warned. And he continued: "We have arrived at this point, in the spectrum of strategies that people are using to eat, to resort to the last thing you have left that is your personal integrity. She is a mother who prostitutes her daughter for this, or is a woman who emigrates to prostitute herself in Cúcuta or in Putumayo, "he said.
Finally, Raffali stressed that when a citizen wants to help another Venezuelan who sees them eating from garbage, the best option is to resort to the organizations that already exist with the help they want to contribute.
Noticiero Digital/Eva Gomez
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