TRAITORS TO THE WALL! Maduro and Godfather gave Narco Guerrilla Colombian "shelter" of our Sovereignty.

The massacre of Puerto Ayacucho
If in Mexico the northern area of that country is dominated by drug trafficking and hired killers, in Venezuela, the southern states of Bolivar, Amazonas, Guárico and Apure have become no man's land, or rather dominion of all kinds of mafias, drug trafficking and irregular groups of armed groups that support the madurism, in addition to the Colombian guerrillas of the National Liberation Army (ELN) and dissidents of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), together with paramilitaries are the true owners of those states.
For several years, those territories were abandoned in the defense of national sovereignty, whose impunity has increased with the madurismo since the exploitation of the "mining arch" began to be carried out on a large scale by the regime. From there, the madurismo allowed that both the ELN, the dissidence of the FARC, as well as the rest of the aforementioned groups, would guard all those geographical spaces with the criminal acts of the kidnapping, the collection of vaccine to the ranchers, the contraband of gasoline, and of course, take over gold mines, which in complicity with corrupt military and political maduristas have made the designated regions a hell for its inhabitants.
The events that took place in Puerto Ayacucho against several members of the "Bolivarian National Guard" (GNB) in which more than a dozen of them were killed and wounded, can not be defined except as a massacre, which is articulated with the murders that occur almost daily in Guayana, without forgetting that many deaths with such characteristics are also executed, sometimes without any official information, in other states such as Guárico and Apure, as well as Barinas and Portuguesa where the guerrilla cells also have access with the complicity of GNB itself and what we have left of our army.
It is regrettable that both the ELN, FARC and paramilitaries are those who have control of our territory. The unusual thing is that this massacre occurred, neither the commander of the GNB, nor the minister of "defense" had pronounced on these facts, which we do not doubt, the madurismo will try to link with external factors with the repeated discourse of the Colombian right , uribism, imperialism, and surely, it will not be missing who points to factors of Jair Bolsonaro associated with these deaths of military personnel.
In a country with a true democracy an event of this nature, it would be a reason to dismiss the entire military leadership of both the GNB and the "army" and of "internal" relations, but in Venezuela, these sectors are part of the multiple irregularities and crimes that are committed there, which is why very little, or nothing hurts those who make up the neototalitarianism of such actions Total! We could almost assure that the Colombian guerrillas, - curiously the only immigration that arrives to us - under the oath to defend the madurism, have received with that military and political argument, maximum impunity to commit in our country their different criminal acts.
We can say that massacres occur in Venezuela with the consent or omission of those who control power. All the east of the country, from San Juan de Las Galdonas to Tumeremo, reaching Santa Elena de Uairén and passing through Puerto Ayacucho, or entering Valle de La Pascua to reach the border area of Arauca, without forgetting what happens in our Essequibo and Delta-Amacuro, some in greater and others to a lesser extent, all those areas are controlled by criminals. And while this happens, also in the West between Táchira and Zulia the situation is not different, because the guerrillas and paramilitaries also have their spaces with the endorsement of madurism and a corrupt armed force. Here the only truth is that if we have an "Armed Forces" where a military troop when they dare to denounce that they are flooded in their detachment - they are prosecuted for "treason to the fatherland" ¹, how can they face military who really are besieged by mafias, guerrillas, paramilitaries and armed groups, when they do not even have enough logistical resources. The severity of the abandonment of our territories, and surrender to the Colombian guerrillas and irregulars of the aforementioned zones can only be recovered when we have a military leadership that obeys the Constitution, and that also understands that anyone can not be a military, but that is a selection of the best men and women in the ethical, moral and national love. Unfortunately in recent times, the oath to madurismo is enough to become a military force, regardless of whether it even has a past with a criminal record.
The massacre of Puerto Ayacucho ends up exposing the defenselessness on which our soldiers are exposed. Even so, mature groups dare to say that we are prepared to resist and "defeat" the enemy in the face of a hypothetical invasion. About being blind. Anyone with eyes to see.
Javier Antonio Vivas Santana/Aporrea
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