viernes, 3 de enero de 2020


 4Life Transfer Factor ReCall
Targeted brain support for optimal mental functioning*

Supports healthy brain function .
Features Targeted Transfer Factor immune system support
Provides antioxidant support .

4Life-Transfer-Factor-ReCallWhat Is 4Life Transfer Factor ReCall?
 4Life Transfer Factor ReCall provides phenomenal support for one of the most vital organs: the brain. This well-rounded formula provides 4Life’s exclusive Targeted Transfer Factor, antioxidants, and a synergistic blend of herbal nutrients that support brain function and health.

 Key Features• 

 Features Targeted Transfer Factor to educate immune cells*
 • Includes ingredients such as Ginkgo biloba and magnesium to support circulation to the brain*
 • Supports learning and memory functions*
 • Contains transfer factors that help educate immune cells and promote the immune system’s ability to more effectively recognize, respond to, and remember potential health threats*
 • Is protected by U.S. patents: 6,468,534 (extraction process for transfer factors from egg sources) and 6,866,868 (combination process of transfer factors from cow colostrum and chicken egg yolks).

 Did You Know?
 Targeted Transfer Factor products combine the immune system benefits of 4Life Transfer Factor with system-specific nutrients to provide a focused and personal level of health support.*

 Primary Support: Brain Health*
 Secondary Support: Immu ne System*Healthy Aging*

 for more infomation please call me 646 675 0549

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