martes, 6 de septiembre de 2016

Dry Laundry Outside!!!


The latest studies have shown that drying clothes indoors is potential health risk, particularly for those people who have weakened immune system or asthma.

Namely, recently one man from Bolton got a lung infection which was caused by drying his clothes inside his house. Mold from the wet clothes is cause for appearance of spores, which furthermore can cause severe lung infections.

Craig Mather is 34 years old man and father of three children. Craig was diagnosed with pulmonary aspergillosis and the doctor prescribed him antimicrobial medications and soon he felt better.

In addition to the medical treatment, the doctor advised him that he need to stop to dry the clothes indoors, or his health condition will become even worse.

Craig decided to follow the doctor`s advice and he had stopped with drying the clothes inside in period of 1 year and his health substantially is improved.

As experts explain, the drying washing indoors seriously may harm your health. In fact, the evaporation increases the humidity by 30%, which creates an ideal environment for spore germination.

For example, a bunch of washed laundry has over 2 liters of water which will evaporate in the room. Generally speaking, human body is immune to this potential infection, but patients who have weaker immune system or asthma may experience breathing problems and coughing.

Patients who have AIDS or thosepatients who undergo chemotherapy, individuals with autoimmune disease are at potential risk of pulmonary aspergillosis, which are caused by fungi. It is important to mention that this disease seriously can harm your health. In some specific cases it can even lead to fatal lung damage. That is the reason why all experts advise you to dry your laundry strictly outdoors.

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