jueves, 31 de mayo de 2018

ABUSE! Farmers denounce that they are forced to "sell" up to 60% of their production to the Government!

Venezuelan farmers have reported that they have been forced to sell up to 60% of their total production to the National Government.
According to a paper published by Efecto Cocuyo, Aquiles Hopkins, president of the Confederation of Associations of Agricultural Producers of Venezuela (Fedeagro), warned about the decline in national production.
Likewise, he blamed the National Government for establishing blockades to the acquisition of resources and perpetrating attacks against private property. In addition to the decrease in production, farmers are forced to sell at subsidized prices 30% of their merchandise to Agropatria and, in some cases, the governorates also demand a quota that reaches 60%, according to Hopkins.
 If the required quotas are not met, "the producers receive threats of invasions, stop receiving the few inputs they acquire and even imprison them," he said.


note: maduradas news
 Until when so much abuse of these murderers !!!!!!!!!

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