martes, 17 de julio de 2018




How was Transfer Factor discovered?

In 1949 DR. H. Sherwood Lawrence was working on the problem of tuberculosis. What he was trying to discover was if any component of blood could convey a tubercular sensitivity from an exposed recovered donor to a naive recipient. whole blood transfusions could be used but only between people of the same blood type. Lawrence first separed blood's immune cell, the lymphocytes or while blood cells, from whole blood. Then  he broke open the lymphocytes and separated the contents of the cells into various size fractions. What he found was that the fraction of small molecules was able to transfer tuberculin sensitivity to a naive recipient. This Dr Lawremnce called TRANSFER FACTOR.

Transfer Factors may become a valuable way to treat communicable disease in the future as researchers learn more and gain the ability to isolate specific factors. In fact, transfer factors may someday cure the diseases ravaging the world population.such as Aids and Ebola. After the tragic 2002 Ebola outbreak in Uganda, freelance Journalist Sam Wainaima explored the potential benefits of transfer factor in Africa. In his article, Wainaima concluded that had transfer factors been used during the outbreak, it could have been contained sooner, saving lives and avoiding mass hysteria.  

Is it the only blood source of the transfer factor?

It was originally. It was not until the 1980s that two researchers came up with the idea that Transfer Factor may also be present in the colostrum. . The confirmation of this discovery was awarded a patent in 1989. Colostrum is now the best source of transfer factor.

What is colostrum?

It is the first milk that a mother produces immediately after giving birth.

What prompted these scientists to look for Transfer in colostrum?

Those who have worked with cattle know that if a calf can not allowed to nurse from its mother it will most often die within a short time. breastfeed its mother, it is likely that it will die in a short time. The calves would die in spite of anthe abundance of food. The death in these cases was caused by infections brought by the most common organisms. For whatever reason, the immune system of these calves were not workinging. Seeing this suggests that there is some kind of immune information was  being  transferred from the mother and her infant.. The logical question was it transfer factor? The answer was a resounding YES!!!

What are the transfer factors and how do they work?

Soon after giving birth, female mammals produce colostrum, which is a milk-like sustance that jump-starts a newborn's immune system. Researchers now believe that benefits of colostrum don't necessarily end there. If you have a compromised immune system or are just looking for a boost to your healthy immune system, colostrum may be the jump-start you need to flight infection or immune-related chronic diseases such as cancer. 
 Transfer Factor is a set of messaging molecules that convey immune information within an individual's immune system. Nature also uses transfer factor to carry immune information from one individual's immune system to another individual. This in fact, is how it got its name; by being communications used by the inmune system to defend against harmful microbial threats. Transfer factors are small molecules that occur naturally in all mammals and passed from mother to newborn through the mother 's first milk called colostrum. By transferring information from cell to cell, transfer factors serve as teachers to the cells, ensuring a strong immune system capable of surviving, even thriving, in its new environment.

What diseases are transfer factors used for? 

Transfer factors have been researched for over  50 years and have been successfully used to treat bacterial diseases. viral infections, parasitic diseases, cancer, fugal infections. autoimmune diseases. neurological diseases. neurological diseases and much more. In addition, no adverse effects have been reported.

Who makes transfer factor? 

Through a special patented proceess licensed to 4LIFE Research TM www,,
 transfer factors are extracted from cow colostrum. 4LIFE's TM transfer factors naturally supports the body's immune system, communicating immune information more efficienty among the cells in the body, and ultimately enhancing  the body's ability to withstand attacks on its health. In addition, transfer factors are unique because they also contain a suppressor factor, which helps to normalize and balance an overactive immune system.

Immune system disorders fall into two broad categories:

 1-Immunodeficiency: When the immune system does not recognize invaders as being undersirable and therefore does not mobilize to destroy them. 

2- Autoimmunity (seft destruction). When the immune system falls to recognize seft as friendly and ounts and attack on itseft. 

  Explaining Autoimmune Disease  By David Isenberg PHD and Jonh Morrow PHD

Transfer Factor helps to modulate  the immune  system. By Duane Townsend MD 

Transfer Factor Plus, a preparation which enhances and stimilates the body's own immune system to flight against all patholgens , viral or otherwise.By Baruch Rosen MD

 Methodological Letter: The use of the transfer factor in immune recovery after somatic and infectious inflammatory diseases. Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. Appruved 30/07/ 2004 Number 14/231.

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  ID # 985 7247
ysvelia coromoto silva

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